S.I.T.S. (Salvation In The Sanctuary)
30 One Hour Presentations
A thirty part series by Dr. Dwight Eric Haynes each segment is one hour.
1. A chosen Generation, Pt. 1 (Redeemed by His Blood)
2. A Chosen Generation, pt. 2 (Our message to the World)
3. A Chosen Generation, pt. 3 (Sanctuary Prayer)
4. A Chosen Generation, pt. 4 (The Earthly Sacrificial System)
5. Early and Latter Rain, pt. 1 (Early and Latter Rain)
6. Early and Latter Rain, pt. 2 (Last Days message)
7. Rightly Dividing the Word, pt.1 (Hermeneutical Principles)
8. Rightly Dividing the Word, pt. 2 (Methods of Bible Study)
9. Rightly Dividing the Word, pt. 3 (Making Study Applicable)
10. Philosophical Presupposition, pt.1 (God’s Divine Principles)
11. Philosophical Presupposition, pt. 2 (Heavenly Sanctuary)
12. Great Controversy, pt. 1
13. Great Controversy, pt. 2
14. Great Controversy, pt. 3
15. Great Controversy, pt. 4
16. Counterfeit Measures, pt. 1 (Sabbath and Nine 1st Day Texts)
17. Counterfeit Measures, pt. 2 (Unknown Tongues)
18. Counterfeit Measures, pt. 3 (Unknown Tongues)
19. A Living Sanctuary, pt. 1 (Tithes and Offerings)
20. A Living Sanctuary, pt. 2 (Your Body is the Temple of God)
21. A Living Sanctuary, pt. 3 (Your Body is the Temple of God)
22. A Living Sanctuary, pt. 4 (Jewels in His Crown)
23. In His Image, pt. 1 (Humanities Nature)
24. In His Image, pt. 2 (Nature of Christ)
25. In His Image, pt. 3 (Nature of Christ)
26. Foundation of Our Faith, pt. 1 (2300 Days and the Rapture)
27. Foundation of Our Faith, pt. 2 (Justification by Faith)
28. Vindication, pt. 1 (144,000 – Who, Why, and When?)
29. Vindication, pt. 2 (Can I Get a Witness – Investigative Judgment)
30. Vindication, pt. 3 (The Ultimate Vindication of God)